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Green Living with Tee

Jul 25, 2022

It's so vital that people know that they can and must take ownership of their health and that if they do, they have the opportunity to feel better, live longer and postpone the onset and mitigate the consequences of chronic disease. 

Emily Gold Mears is dedicating her life to helping other patients/individuals...

Jul 18, 2022

On college campuses, synthetic herbicides are predominantly used only for aesthetics. These institutions are opting to use chemicals linked to human health issues rather than exploring organic options that are safer for the grounds crew members, students, faculty, and other community members. Using synthetic herbicides...

Jul 11, 2022

Cathy Cooke is a building biologist focused on all things toxic! This includes chemicals and poor air quality caused by mycotoxins from mold. Cathy is also a specialist in the dangers associated with electromagnetic frequencies caused by over-exposure to our modern electronic devices. 

Cathy is a Board...

Jul 4, 2022

Most pollutants affecting indoor air quality come from sources inside your home or office, although some originate outdoors. Cleaning supplies, paints, insecticides, cooking appliances, fireplaces, furniture, candles, and more combine to make your indoor air quality far more dangerous than the outside air.

Wouldn’t it...