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Green Living with Tee

Jan 31, 2022

Dr. Melanie Keller ND is also known as “The Intuitive Edge Doctor” and is on a mission to help men and women fully understand their bodies, environments, and energy by fully understanding the rhythms of life through a series of practices. Dr. Keller is a partner in providing a vital and growing voice for curated...

Jan 24, 2022

Dr. Deb Matthew MD is known as America’s Happy Hormones Doctor. She's a best-selling author, international speaker, educator, wife, and mom of four boys.

After suffering for years with fatigue and irritability due to hormone imbalances, her quest to resolve her personal health led her to change everything about her...

Jan 17, 2022

Most people that get cancer automatically go the route of conventional medicine, but not Ivana Spencer! Ivana wanted to address the root cause of the symptoms and take a more holistic route in treating her breast cancer. 

Ivana Spencer is an RN with a strong passion and calling for a holistic lifestyle. She is the owner...

Jan 10, 2022

Mold is a dangerous indoor air pollutant, alongside carbon monoxide, asbestos, and cigarette smoke. According to the EPA, indoor air pollutants are known to cause serious irritation in the eyes, nose, and throat, in addition to headaches, dizziness, and fatigue, and contribute to a wide array of health problems! 


Jan 3, 2022

Chris is a sought-after skincare expert and holistic health coach/esthetician. He is also the Best-Selling Author of the acclaimed book Acne Free In 3 Days and has an incredibly popular  YouTube channel, Chris Gibson Live! His YouTube channel is dedicated to providing expert information and product reviews on skincare...