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Green Living with Tee

Apr 24, 2023

This week on Green Living with Tee, Tee welcomes Jenna Johnson for an informative conversation about how parents and individuals can begin to detoxify their everyday lives and take small steps towards a toxin-free lifestyle. Jenna and Tee discuss some of the practical first steps that any parent can take to protect...

Apr 17, 2023

This week Tee welcomes Amy Enos for a great conversation about lowering your toxic load by becoming more diligent about the personal care and household products that you buy for yourself and your family. Amy is the perfect guide to help introduce many of these concepts to listeners as her background as a pharmacist...

Apr 10, 2023

Tee welcomes Lety Algeri for a conversation about taking control of your eating habits and learning to love yourself without overeating or emotional eating. Lety is a Holistic Health Coach and the founder of The Craving Crusher Method. She helps women break free from Emotional Eating and empowers them to create healthy...

Apr 3, 2023

Gut health is a frequent topic on the show and Morgan Lewis is here to explain why. Morgan is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant (HNC) and Restorative Wellness Solutions Practitioner with over three years of experience. She works to identify barriers and address the root causes of digestive issues, gut...