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Green Living with Tee

Jul 25, 2020

We all know to raise a healthy  and happy dog they should get good mental stimulation, decent dog food, exercise, toys  to play with, socialization and manners training.  What so many people don't know, is there are toxic chemicals in their toys,  glyphosate and other chemicals from lawns can be ingested, their food can...

Jul 18, 2020

Children want to play and need to play! It is very important to their development and well-being. Toys are the number one item that parents buy their kids to play with. There are so many items on the market today and you can purchase them in a toy store, at the supermarket or the dollar store. But these toys must be...

Jul 11, 2020

More and more research is linking chemicals to birth defects, cancer, thyroid disorders, acne, asthma, diabetes, obesity, allergies, infertility, and even ADHD.  If I had my way, every OB office and midwife in the U.S. would distribute information to their patients on how chemicals can affect a woman and her...

Jul 4, 2020

Have you looked at the ingredients list on your bath/body products lately? Organic Body Products was created by Kristen Saurer. Kristen and her husband were raising three special needs kids when she realized how many chemicals were in products. She wanted to make sure she was giving her children the healthiest lifestyle...