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Green Living with Tee

Jan 4, 2021

Kimberly Baca is a wellness coach and also a chef who specializes in gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, plant-based raw, and cooked foods. She is  a bestselling author and speaker. Born in New York but grew up in Michigan, she made Southern California her home when seeking ways to heal her diagnosed autoimmune disorder.

After being diagnosed in her late twenties with the autoimmune disorder, Fibromyalgia, Kimberly spent most of her thirties exploring and experimenting with the health hand she was dealt with.

Finally, she discovered using her experience in the kitchen as one strategy to heal her body. That is when she started hacking comfort foods she grew up eating, and gourmet foods, enjoyed in her modeling and fashion designer days in Manhattan, to make them not only tasty but also healthy.

Kimberly’s best-selling debut cookbook series Recipe Hacker Secrets, chronicles foods she created and reverse engineered, revealing the ‘how’ that she finally mastered to reach harmony between health and extremism. Every step focuses on making one simple healthy lifestyle change at a time. Now it’s her mission to help you find the same freedom to enjoy foods you love in a guilt-free and healthy way.

She created a Live 5-day training to jumpstart anyone willing to transform their health and lives for lasting results and will be starting the New Year off right for you to get started now to the life you have waited for you to enjoy at a level like never before!

Join the private community for access to this free workshop on Facebook and request to join us at the Health Empowered Tribe. The gift of her Master Kitchen Essentials book is also waiting for you free when you go there now and mention this podcast. You can also get access by buying her book at www.

Instagram @naked_veganista